Water Quality

Phase 1 contains a water-quality pond and swale, along with an underground water-quality vault. These project components will treat the stormwater prior to discharging it into the Poudre River. Phases 2 through 4 will continue to look at additional methods to treat the stormwater before it reaches the river.
Keeping our natural waterways clean is a growing challenge in the 21st century. Stormwater runoff has a significant impact on water quality in our rivers and streams. When rain and snowfall on impermeable surfaces, the runoff can carry road salt, oil, grease, chemicals and debris from these surfaces into our waterways.
Stormwater quality features can capture the storm runoff before it reaches a natural waterway. These water quality features allow the stormwater to better infiltrate into the ground and use vegetation to provide more resiliency after a large storm event.

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