Council Approves Downtown Master Plan
At the January 17, 2023, meeting, Greeley City Council approved the Downtown 2032 Master Plan. This plan will help guide growth, investments, and improvements in Downtown Greeley over the next decade. Downtown 2032 – The Path Forward provides a roadmap for citywide decision-making and strengthening Downtown’s role as the heart of the region. It also educates the general public about Downtown’s importance to the larger Greeley community and Northern Colorado. Next steps will be to determine who "owns" and orchestrates the key objectives to ensure the success of the recommendations listed in the plan.
It is with gratitude that we express thanks to the over 1,250 individuals, groups, institutions, organizations, and City staff who helped inform the development of the Greeley Downtown Plan Update. The plan was created through a partnership between the City of Greeley and the Greeley Downtown Development Authority (DDA).
View the Downtown 2032 Master Plan
Watch the January 17 City Council meeting on YouTube or by visiting the City's meeting portal. The Downtown Master Plan presentation and discussion begin at 15 minutes, and 57 seconds.
Consultation has concluded