Downtown 2032 - The Path Forward

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Consultation has concluded

The Downtown 2032 Master Plan update is complete. The City of Greeley, the Downtown Development Authority, and the University of Northern Colorado will use the plan as a guide over the next 10 years. We can't wait to see Downtown Greeley 2032!
The updated plan can be found under 'Documents'.

Downtown Greeley Master Plan Update

The 'Downtown 2032 – The Path Forward' updates Downtown Greeley’s Master Plan. The plan was last reviewed in 2011. It looks at the long-term vision and identifies priorities to guide improvements and investments downtown over the next ten years. The planning process will run through Fall 2022. Inclusive and effective community engagement is essential for creating a successful Downtown Plan Update for the City of Greeley.

Your feedback will help guide us as we plan for the future of downtown Greeley.

Tell Me More

  • Since the last downtown plan was completed in 2011, the City of Greeley and the Greeley Downtown Development Authority (DDA) have worked to improve downtown by investing in community events, beautifying streets, sidewalks, alleys, and parks, adding more public art, and more. The City and DDA have also successfully recruited new development or redevelopment on underused land and have welcomed new businesses, mixed-use development, and housing in the downtown area.
  • These efforts have resulted in a downtown resurgence and have strengthened Greeley’s role as a well-recognized cultural and creative hub in the region. This downtown planning effort will build upon this momentum to create an updated work program for the City and DDA for the next ten years.
  • To assist with this planning process, the City of Greeley has contracted with Progressive Urban Management Associates (P.U.M.A.) and Livable Cities Studio to develop the Downtown 2032 – The Path Forward plan, which will include broad outreach to the community.
  • We want to hear from community stakeholders throughout the planning process. A community stakeholder is anyone with a connection to Downtown Greeley: whether they live there, work there, own a business or property, are part of a non-profit or advocacy organization, or a school or church.

The Downtown 2032 Master Plan update is complete. The City of Greeley, the Downtown Development Authority, and the University of Northern Colorado will use the plan as a guide over the next 10 years. We can't wait to see Downtown Greeley 2032!
The updated plan can be found under 'Documents'.

Downtown Greeley Master Plan Update

The 'Downtown 2032 – The Path Forward' updates Downtown Greeley’s Master Plan. The plan was last reviewed in 2011. It looks at the long-term vision and identifies priorities to guide improvements and investments downtown over the next ten years. The planning process will run through Fall 2022. Inclusive and effective community engagement is essential for creating a successful Downtown Plan Update for the City of Greeley.

Your feedback will help guide us as we plan for the future of downtown Greeley.

Tell Me More

  • Since the last downtown plan was completed in 2011, the City of Greeley and the Greeley Downtown Development Authority (DDA) have worked to improve downtown by investing in community events, beautifying streets, sidewalks, alleys, and parks, adding more public art, and more. The City and DDA have also successfully recruited new development or redevelopment on underused land and have welcomed new businesses, mixed-use development, and housing in the downtown area.
  • These efforts have resulted in a downtown resurgence and have strengthened Greeley’s role as a well-recognized cultural and creative hub in the region. This downtown planning effort will build upon this momentum to create an updated work program for the City and DDA for the next ten years.
  • To assist with this planning process, the City of Greeley has contracted with Progressive Urban Management Associates (P.U.M.A.) and Livable Cities Studio to develop the Downtown 2032 – The Path Forward plan, which will include broad outreach to the community.
  • We want to hear from community stakeholders throughout the planning process. A community stakeholder is anyone with a connection to Downtown Greeley: whether they live there, work there, own a business or property, are part of a non-profit or advocacy organization, or a school or church.
Consultation has concluded
  • Let's Meet at Friday Fest

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    Stop by our downtown master plan table on Friday, July 8. Ask questions, share your ideas, and take our quick survey - all while listening to some great music! Your thoughts will help us plan for what downtown Greeley will look and feel like over the next ten years.