Volunteers and Donations Needed

Let's Make Everyone Count!
Be a part of the 2023 Homeless Point-in-Time Count on Wednesday, January 25. The Point-in-Time count is an annual survey of individuals experiencing homelessness to gain a better understanding of the resources our community needs. The 2023 count will take place from 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
How you can get involved:
Volunteer - There are multiple volunteer opportunities for counting and interviewing people experiencing homelessness. A mandatory, virtual training is provided and flexible shifts are available.
Register at bit.ly/3IJUMpl or email juliana.kitten@greeleygov.com.
Donate - We are needing blankets, hand warmers, hats, mittens, warm socks, energy bars, jackets, and hygiene products. These will be distributed during the count.
Drop off donations at United Way of Weld County, 814 9th Street, Greeley
Find out more at: https://volunteer.unitedway-weld.org/need/detail/?need_id=762454