City Response to 'Shooter' Regarding Pointless

Thank you for reaching out with your concerns about the activity you are experiencing in your neighborhood that seem to stem from an increase in the number of homeless individuals in the area. We take your comments and observations seriously. We recognize that homelessness is a growing and complex issue impacting our community in ways similar to other communities across the state. We are working on approaches to address both the immediate issues and develop long-term solutions.

In the meantime, if you observe suspicious activity or feel threatened, please call the Greeley Police Department as noted in the Call Guide for Reporting Concerns Related to Homelessness and Tips for Protecting Private Property that we have created to assist residents with these situations. It is helpful for us to track these activities to better respond and identify patterns; we will forward your recent communication to the GPD concerning the Farr Park observations you shared.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact Heather Balser at 303-877-7269.

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