Addressing Public Camping in Greeley

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The City of Greeley is looking at ways to manage camping on public property while keeping the community safe and supporting people experiencing homelessness. We want to make sure residents, local leaders, and community partners have a chance to share their thoughts. We invite all residents to stay informed, get involved, and help shape the future of our city.

Here's how to engage:

  1. Community Meeting: February 19
    Attendees learned about homelessness in Greeley, possible camping rules, and how other cities have handled similar issues. City staff shared information on different options, challenges, and what this could mean for the community. Attendees also had a chance to ask questions and share their thoughts. Play the presentation video.
  2. Community Survey - The survey has ended.
    We want your input! This survey will ask for your thoughts on manage public camping, your concerns, and what you believe should be a prioritized in addressing homelessness. Your feedback will help guide next steps.
  3. Presentation to City Council: March 11
    After gathering community input, city staff will present the findings to the Greeley City Council. Council members will look at the options, survey results, and community feedback. From there, they will decide which options need more research, including cost, feasibility, and long-term impact.
  4. Camping Restrictions Proposal
    City staff will return to city council with a detailed proposal. Council will then decide the best path forward for addressing camping on public property and homelessness in Greeley.

The City of Greeley is looking at ways to manage camping on public property while keeping the community safe and supporting people experiencing homelessness. We want to make sure residents, local leaders, and community partners have a chance to share their thoughts. We invite all residents to stay informed, get involved, and help shape the future of our city.

Here's how to engage:

  1. Community Meeting: February 19
    Attendees learned about homelessness in Greeley, possible camping rules, and how other cities have handled similar issues. City staff shared information on different options, challenges, and what this could mean for the community. Attendees also had a chance to ask questions and share their thoughts. Play the presentation video.
  2. Community Survey - The survey has ended.
    We want your input! This survey will ask for your thoughts on manage public camping, your concerns, and what you believe should be a prioritized in addressing homelessness. Your feedback will help guide next steps.
  3. Presentation to City Council: March 11
    After gathering community input, city staff will present the findings to the Greeley City Council. Council members will look at the options, survey results, and community feedback. From there, they will decide which options need more research, including cost, feasibility, and long-term impact.
  4. Camping Restrictions Proposal
    City staff will return to city council with a detailed proposal. Council will then decide the best path forward for addressing camping on public property and homelessness in Greeley.
  • Missed the Meeting? Play the Video to Learn More

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    Learn about homelessness in Greeley. This presentation includes the main causes, how other cities have handled similar issues, and ideas for what Greeley could do. It also explains some of the challenges the city might face with these options. This resource is here to help you understand the issue.

    After playing the video, take the survey and share your thoughts by March 2.

  • Nearly 100 Attended Info Session, Shared Insights

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    We appreciate everyone who joined the February 19 info session and contributed to a thoughtful conversation on this important, yet challenging topic. We encourage you to take the survey and share it with your friends, family, and co-workers to help us gather more feedback.

    Unable to attend? A recording of the meeting will be available on this page after February 25.

  • Community Meeting: Your Chance to Learn and Give Input

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    Join us to learn more about homelessness in Greeley, the options for camping restrictions, and how other cities have handled similar situations. City staff will present information on potential approaches, the challenges we face, and how this could affect the community.

    5:30-7 p.m.
    LINC Library, 501 8th Avenue, Greeley

Page last updated: 03 Mar 2025, 07:50 AM