Greeley Tribune: Greeley launches ‘Vision Zero’ initiative as city takes steps to make roads safer
"In theory, the City of Greeley’s mission for Vision Zero is simple: bring the number of fatal and serious injury crashes down to zero.
In practice, things get a little more complicated.
'Safety is a shared responsibility,' Greeley city engineer Steven Younkin said. 'So for the people of Greeley, everyone taking responsibility for their part is key.'
The city has three objectives when it comes to Vision Zero, which launched in April.
First is gathering input from residents on what they believe will make transportation in Greeley safer, as well as analyzing traffic data collected by the city.
Then, the city will set about crafting the transportation system that allows zero fatalities to become a reality. But city officials know crafting that system will require a little trial and error ... "
To read the rest of the interview by Chris Bolin, visit the Greeley Tribune.
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