Waste Diversion Study

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See below for Spanish. Ver abajo en español.

Project Purpose

In 2022, the City of Greeley was awarded a Front Range Waste Diversion grant to study how much and what types of waste Greeley sends to landfills and what alternative waste solutions Greeley could consider to reduce its contributions to landfills. This is a common project that helps cities determine recycling options that fit their residents' needs. The city understands the importance of sustainability and will use the study findings and resident feedback to understand your recycling preferences, identify improved recycling opportunities, and help City Council review policy options.

What is Waste Characterization?

Waste characterization analyzes waste types that go into our landfills, such as paper, food, glass, and organics. This study helps determine the types of waste Greeley residents put in landfills and how we can divert some of this waste through measures like recycling and composting.

What is waste diversion? 

Waste diversion is limiting trash that goes to landfills through recycling. Waste diversion is important because it helps keep our city clean and sustainable. When we divert waste, we are finding ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle things instead of just throwing them away. It helps us reduce the amount of garbage that goes to landfills, which can harm the environment.

Why should residents care about waste diversion?

  • The study's outcome may impact how our community approaches waste-related sustainability.

  • Your City Council will evaluate how trash and recycling are handled in Greeley.

What are Greeley's Current Trash and Recycling Options?

Residents can opt into curbside recycling service through their private trash haulers or recycle glass, e-waste, organic, and paper materials at various locations in the community.   

Community Feedback

We want your feedback on recycling within Greeley. Feedback is collected via survey and is anonymous.  Current recycling opportunities are through private haulers and recycling drop-off centers for specific materials. Your feedback will help shape the recycling options and policy around recycling in the City of Greeley. 

Objeto del proyecto

En 2022, City of Greeley recibió una subvención de Front Range Waste Diversion para financiar por completo un estudio de caracterización y desvío de residuos. Estos estudios ayudarán a Greeley City a evaluar las opciones de reciclaje que puede considerar la ciudad.

En combinación con los resultados de este estudio y los comentarios de los residentes, Greeley City Council evaluará las opciones para considerar cómo se facilita el desvío de residuos.

¿Qué es el desvío de residuos?

El desvío de residuos es limitar la basura que se vuelca en los vertederos a través del reciclaje.

¿Por qué los residentes deberían preocuparse por el desvío de residuos?

  • El resultado del estudio puede afectar la forma en que nuestra comunidad aborda la sostenibilidad relacionada con los residuos.
  • Debido a la relación que existe entre el reciclaje y el manejo de residuos, las opciones también evaluarán la prestación de servicios de residuos en Greeley.

¿Cuáles son las opciones actuales con respecto a la basura y el reciclaje de Greeley?

Los residentes pueden optar por el servicio de reciclaje en la acera a través de sus recolectores de basura privados o reciclar vidrio, desechos electrónicos, materiales orgánicos y papel en diferentes lugares de la comunidad.

Comentarios de la comunidad

Queremos escuchar sus comentarios sobre el reciclaje en Greeley. Los comentarios se recopilan mediante una encuesta y son anónimos. Las oportunidades de reciclaje actuales se dan a través de acopiadores privados y centros de entrega para el reciclaje de materiales específicos. Sus comentarios ayudarán a dar forma a las opciones y políticas de reciclaje en City of Greeley.

See below for Spanish. Ver abajo en español.

Project Purpose

In 2022, the City of Greeley was awarded a Front Range Waste Diversion grant to study how much and what types of waste Greeley sends to landfills and what alternative waste solutions Greeley could consider to reduce its contributions to landfills. This is a common project that helps cities determine recycling options that fit their residents' needs. The city understands the importance of sustainability and will use the study findings and resident feedback to understand your recycling preferences, identify improved recycling opportunities, and help City Council review policy options.

What is Waste Characterization?

Waste characterization analyzes waste types that go into our landfills, such as paper, food, glass, and organics. This study helps determine the types of waste Greeley residents put in landfills and how we can divert some of this waste through measures like recycling and composting.

What is waste diversion? 

Waste diversion is limiting trash that goes to landfills through recycling. Waste diversion is important because it helps keep our city clean and sustainable. When we divert waste, we are finding ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle things instead of just throwing them away. It helps us reduce the amount of garbage that goes to landfills, which can harm the environment.

Why should residents care about waste diversion?

  • The study's outcome may impact how our community approaches waste-related sustainability.

  • Your City Council will evaluate how trash and recycling are handled in Greeley.

What are Greeley's Current Trash and Recycling Options?

Residents can opt into curbside recycling service through their private trash haulers or recycle glass, e-waste, organic, and paper materials at various locations in the community.   

Community Feedback

We want your feedback on recycling within Greeley. Feedback is collected via survey and is anonymous.  Current recycling opportunities are through private haulers and recycling drop-off centers for specific materials. Your feedback will help shape the recycling options and policy around recycling in the City of Greeley. 

Objeto del proyecto

En 2022, City of Greeley recibió una subvención de Front Range Waste Diversion para financiar por completo un estudio de caracterización y desvío de residuos. Estos estudios ayudarán a Greeley City a evaluar las opciones de reciclaje que puede considerar la ciudad.

En combinación con los resultados de este estudio y los comentarios de los residentes, Greeley City Council evaluará las opciones para considerar cómo se facilita el desvío de residuos.

¿Qué es el desvío de residuos?

El desvío de residuos es limitar la basura que se vuelca en los vertederos a través del reciclaje.

¿Por qué los residentes deberían preocuparse por el desvío de residuos?

  • El resultado del estudio puede afectar la forma en que nuestra comunidad aborda la sostenibilidad relacionada con los residuos.
  • Debido a la relación que existe entre el reciclaje y el manejo de residuos, las opciones también evaluarán la prestación de servicios de residuos en Greeley.

¿Cuáles son las opciones actuales con respecto a la basura y el reciclaje de Greeley?

Los residentes pueden optar por el servicio de reciclaje en la acera a través de sus recolectores de basura privados o reciclar vidrio, desechos electrónicos, materiales orgánicos y papel en diferentes lugares de la comunidad.

Comentarios de la comunidad

Queremos escuchar sus comentarios sobre el reciclaje en Greeley. Los comentarios se recopilan mediante una encuesta y son anónimos. Las oportunidades de reciclaje actuales se dan a través de acopiadores privados y centros de entrega para el reciclaje de materiales específicos. Sus comentarios ayudarán a dar forma a las opciones y políticas de reciclaje en City of Greeley.

  • Free Paint Recycling Event

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    Greeley residents and surrounding communities can recycle their old or unwanted paint at a free paint recycling event sponsored by GreenSheen.

    When: Saturday, October 12, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

    Where: Greeley Stampede Arena Parking Lot, 600 N 14th Ave.

    Register: https://circular.eco/event/Greeley24

  • Study Update and Next Steps

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    During the May 14 Council work session, the Greeley Public Works Department presented the Waste Diversion and Characterization study findings and resident feedback to discuss recycling options in Greeley.

    Waste Characterization Study Findings

    The Waste Characterization study examined the types of waste and how much waste residents sent to landfills. The study was performed by manually sorting through nearly 2,220 pounds of trash and classifying it as plastic, paper, glass, organics, and household hazardous waste. Highlights of this study found:

    64% of this waste could have been recycled.

    • 19% of waste was in curbside recycling.
    • 38% of waste was determined to be compostable. Organics such as food waste and leaves/branches.
    • 7% of waste was considered "other material," such as concrete or bricks.

    While the waste characterization study was performed, a waste diversion survey was open for residents to fill out. View the full report.

    Resident Survey on Waste Diversion

    • Thank you to the 1,373 residents who took the survey!
    • 4% of respondents reported satisfaction with the current approach to waste diversion in Greeley.
    • Respondents want improvements in haulers' volume-based trash service, bundled recycling and trash for one price, and a local recycling drop-off facility.
    • Respondents are on the fence regarding curbside trash being required and paid for by the resident.

    Waste Diversion Study

    Now that we know the types of waste residents throw out, the waste diversion study provided a list of options for City Council to consider around recycling in Greeley. The key takeaways from this study are:

    • Nearly 4,500 homes do not have trash service, costing the city approximately $22,000 to clean up alleys and roadways in 2023.
    • 25% of residents with trash service also pay for curbside recycling, but only 8% of waste is recycled in Greeley.
    • Residents took nearly 5,200 tons of trash to the landfill that could have been recycled through curbside service.

    With all this data in mind and resident feedback, here are the options for consideration and discussion presented to City Council:

    1. Consolidated Recycling Center

    • Strongest support
    • Minimal impact on waste diversion but convenient one-stop location for resident recycling.

    2. Pay as you Throw (PAY)

    • Strong community support
    • Payment equity
    • Positive impact on waste diversion

    3. Contracted Hauler and Pay as you Throw (PAYT)

    • Strong community support
    • This option would require full-time employees to manage.
    • This option would lower trash service costs for those who already pay.
    • This option has a positive impact on waste diversion.
    • This option allows for less trash truck traffic on Greeley streets.

    4. Required Trash and Recycling

    • This option has the potential for a full-time employee.
    • Community support for this option is on the fence.
    • This option has the most significant impact on citywide diversion rates and Greeley's cleanliness.
    • This option would require a process to manage residents who share trash.

    After reviewing these findings and resident feedback, City Council provided the next steps for the Greeley Public Works Department:

    • Bring forth necessary code changes to require trash and recycling haulers to report the amount of trash and recycling they haul from the City of Greeley.
    • Meet with Trash Providers to update them on the project and study.
    • Develop refined options for City Council to consider for a future meeting.

    The full report and study findings are in this page's Documents section.

  • Glass Recycling in Greeley

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    Glass recycling often falls under the radar in discussions about sustainability, overshadowed by its more prominent counterparts like plastic or paper. Yet its environmental impact and potential for reuse are substantial.

    Through collaboration with the City of Greeley, residents can safely and properly recycle their glass at designated collection sites located at Crabtree Brewing Company and Andersen's Sales & Salvage, Inc. Since inception, about 80 US tons of glass have been recycled through the Greeley Glass4Good ™ program. O-I Glass, Inc., one of the leading producers of glass bottles and jars around the globe, created the program in response to the demand for recycled glass.

    Greeley’s program raised and donated $1,115 to United Way of Weld County in just the first quarter of 2024. Read the Glass4Good First Quarter Newsletter to learn more about the community impact.

    Greeley’s Glass Drop-Off Locations

    DO Drop Off:

    • Beer, wine, spirits, and non-alcoholic glass bottles

    • Glass food jars

    • Drinking glasses

    Be sure to rinse any glass donations before recycling.

    DON’T Drop Off:

    • Windows

    • Solar Panels

    • Heat-resistant glass

    • Computer or TV screens

    • Light bulbs

    • Mirrors

    • Ceramics

    O-I Glass4Good Recycling Drive

    O-I is hosting a Glass4Good recycling drive on Sunday, June 2, from 2-5 p.m. at Crabtree Brewing Company. In exchange for drop-offs, adults 21 and older will be given a free growler produced by O-I which they can then pay Crabtree to fill. Visitors can also contribute to a DIY mosaic glass project Crabtree staff will create onsite.

    For more information about all the recycling options in Greeley, visit greeleygov.com/recycling.

Page last updated: 11 Sep 2024, 12:37 PM