What is a Comprehensive Master Plan?

    A Comprehensive Department Master Plan includes a detailed review and evaluation of Greeley physical assets, programs, services, and organizational performance. It’s used to identify any gaps in service and helps to ensure that we are meeting the needs of Greeley residents. Data from this detailed analysis can also be used in obtaining funding (such as grants) for future endeavors.

    What does a comprehensive plan mean to me?

    This plan outlines current and future needs for all community members. Engaging in this process helps Greeley Culture, Parks, and Recreation understand what is important to you and helps us prepare for the future.

    What does the final plan include?

    This plan includes a review of services, spaces and facilities as well as the organization as a whole. Think of the comprehensive plan as a roadmap—it helps lay out where we are today, where we want to be in the future and how to get there.

    How can I get involved?

    Your voice really matters in this process. Please add your thoughts and suggestions on the project website. Greeley Culture, Parks, and Recreation will also distribute a Statistically Valid Survey to randomly selected households in Greeley as well as host focus groups and pop-up events. Check back here regularly for updates.

    What is a Statistically Valid Survey?

    A survey becomes statistically valid when a specific percentage of received responses accurately represent the characteristics of the larger population. The goal is to ensure that enough results are received that can be generalized to the entire population.

    A random selection of households will receive a survey—in both English and Spanish--from our partner, ETC Institute.  If you receive a survey, please provide your input.  Your voice represents all of Greeley!

    How long will the master planning process take?

    The process of creating a master plan is a comprehensive one that requires careful planning and execution--and typically takes 12 months. The initial phase, which involves collecting and gathering input, is expected to take approximately 3 months. This phase is crucial as it forms the foundation of the master plan.

    Once all the necessary data and information have been collected, our consultants will collaborate with the Culture, Parks, and Recreation department of Greeley to develop the master plan. This stage involves analyzing the collected data, identifying key areas of focus, and outlining strategies to achieve the set goals.

    The final phase is the implementation of the master plan. The timeline for this phase will be determined based on the specific goals outlined in the plan and the budget considerations. This ensures that the implementation is done in a strategic and financially sustainable manner.