Let's Get Greeley on the Go! Help Develop Mobility Options in Our City.

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Community Voice: We Want to Hear from You!

We want to hear from everyone in the city, whether you walk, take transit, bike, drive, wheel, or scoot. Throughout September and October, you’ll be able to provide feedback on how mobility and transportation improvements should be prioritized, either at in-person pop-up events or here on Speak Up Greeley.

Visit our hotspot map and look through the near- and long-term scenarios. Then take the survey to let us know which elements should be prioritized as we continue to pursue more travel choices and better connectivity in and around the City of Greeley.

Project Goals

Regardless of your preference for how you move in and around Greeley, the city wants to make investments in your future. A future that includes a safe and efficient system that supports wellbeing, health, welfare, comfort, and happiness — and connects you to where you need to be.

Project Objectives

As our community grows and changes over time, the way we move and get around is evolving, too. This new direction for mobility services aims to develop a complete mobility network that:

  • Improves connection points and transportation choices to destinations such as grocery stores, parks, downtown and other popular places within Greeley.
  • Encourages you to use transit, carpooling, micromobility and other forms of travel as an alternative to driving on your own.
  • Improves air quality and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Increases mobility choices like transit, carpooling and bicycling for longer distance travel.
  • Provides more frequent and efficient transit service in the region.

Community Voice: We Want to Hear from You!

We want to hear from everyone in the city, whether you walk, take transit, bike, drive, wheel, or scoot. Throughout September and October, you’ll be able to provide feedback on how mobility and transportation improvements should be prioritized, either at in-person pop-up events or here on Speak Up Greeley.

Visit our hotspot map and look through the near- and long-term scenarios. Then take the survey to let us know which elements should be prioritized as we continue to pursue more travel choices and better connectivity in and around the City of Greeley.

Project Goals

Regardless of your preference for how you move in and around Greeley, the city wants to make investments in your future. A future that includes a safe and efficient system that supports wellbeing, health, welfare, comfort, and happiness — and connects you to where you need to be.

Project Objectives

As our community grows and changes over time, the way we move and get around is evolving, too. This new direction for mobility services aims to develop a complete mobility network that:

  • Improves connection points and transportation choices to destinations such as grocery stores, parks, downtown and other popular places within Greeley.
  • Encourages you to use transit, carpooling, micromobility and other forms of travel as an alternative to driving on your own.
  • Improves air quality and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Increases mobility choices like transit, carpooling and bicycling for longer distance travel.
  • Provides more frequent and efficient transit service in the region.

Ask the Team

Do you have a question about mobility options in Greeley? Ask the team!

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  • Share I'm having trouble figuring out what public transport options there are available to me as a wheelchair user. Are there any public transport options available that are equipped for motorized wheelchairs? on Facebook Share I'm having trouble figuring out what public transport options there are available to me as a wheelchair user. Are there any public transport options available that are equipped for motorized wheelchairs? on Twitter Share I'm having trouble figuring out what public transport options there are available to me as a wheelchair user. Are there any public transport options available that are equipped for motorized wheelchairs? on Linkedin Email I'm having trouble figuring out what public transport options there are available to me as a wheelchair user. Are there any public transport options available that are equipped for motorized wheelchairs? link

    I'm having trouble figuring out what public transport options there are available to me as a wheelchair user. Are there any public transport options available that are equipped for motorized wheelchairs?

    Greeley-ADA-needs asked about 2 months ago

    Thanks for asking!

    All fixed route service on Greeley-Evans Transit (GET) is wheelchair accessible. You can find our routes and bus fares here: https://greeleyevanstransit.com/routes/

    In addition, as a wheelchair user, you may qualify for GET's curb-to-curb ADA/paratransit service depending on your circumstances. To qualify, folks must have a physical or mental disability verified by application and a physician, plus live at least 3/4 of a mile away from a fixed route line. You can read more and find the application here: https://greeleyevanstransit.com/services/paratransit/

    If you have any additional questions about our accommodations, please ask! We can answer your GET questions at GET@greeleygov.com.

  • Share Are increased connections from city streets to existing bicycle trails in the plan? on Facebook Share Are increased connections from city streets to existing bicycle trails in the plan? on Twitter Share Are increased connections from city streets to existing bicycle trails in the plan? on Linkedin Email Are increased connections from city streets to existing bicycle trails in the plan? link

    Are increased connections from city streets to existing bicycle trails in the plan?

    suptJNeff asked 5 months ago

    Thank you for your question! The project goal of the Mobility Development Plan is to plan a safe and efficient transportation system that connects you to where you need to be using transit, shared transportation, and micromobility. This is especially important as the city grows! The plan builds off the input and recommendations from the City’s Transportation Master Plan adopted in March of 2023. While the Transportation Master Plan focused on improvements to the entire city transportation system through 2045, the Mobility Development Plan will focus specifically on mobility services like fixed route public transit, on-demand transportation, first-and-last mile transportation options, trip convenience tools, fueling options, and education over the next ten years.

    The Mobility Development Plan is currently acquiring public feedback to then develop potential mobility scenarios. That's where you come in: If connections between city streets and existing bicycle trails are needed to help you reach key destinations and connect to mobility options such as transit, our team would encourage you to note your experiences with the City’s transportation system on the Greeley Mobility Map (open through the end of June 2024). That helps us understand what/where/why increased connection points might be needed as we build out our potential scenarios.

    In addition, if you're passionate about cycling on trails specifically, the City of Greeley Natural Areas and Trails division recently updated the Trails Master Plan as a separate planning process, so you should tune in to that project, too!

Page last updated: 26 Sep 2024, 03:03 PM