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Greeley’s Newest Natural Area is a 978-acre expanse of prairies, bluffs, and arroyos located between Greeley and Windsor. Visitors experience magnificent plateaus and stunning mountain and valley views. This place is home for a diversity of wildlife.
The property is a blank slate in terms of recreation opportunities. Due to its location and size, this natural area will draw visitors from across northern Colorado. People will find a unique, close-to-home recreation experience. The same geography that excites visitors also provides homes for many wildlife species. White-tail deer, bald eagles, and coyotes have all been spotted on site. Check out the pictures and links to the right to see some of the critters who call this place home. The needs of both people and wildlife must be carefully balanced as the project moves forward.
Growing Greeley’s Natural Areas
The purchase of land on Greeley’s west side doubles the City’s acres of public natural areas for the community to enjoy. Greeley Natural Areas & Trails has a vision to provide equal access to nature for all Greeley residents. The long-term goal is for everyone to live within a 10-minute walk to nature. This new natural area moves us closer to that goal. The project was jointly funded by the Trust for Public Land, Great Outdoors Colorado, the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the Town of Windsor and the City of Greeley. Click here to read more about this property.
Making the Dream Happen
This project would not be possible without strong partnerships and community input. Together, the City of Greeley, Mundus Bishop, and Trust for Public Land are putting the community's voice first in this project. Typically, a natural area is opened after all the trails have been built and the design is finished. We are doing things differently here. We are bringing you, the community, into the process at the beginning. We want to know what your vision is for this place. Please take part and share your ideas.
Creating a Vision
This long-range project includes several phases, such as analysis, community input, design, and the creation of a master plan. The master plan is a road map, guiding the management of the property into the future. It will take many years before this natural area becomes the vision described in the master plan - see the Lifecycle timeline on this page. Budget and staff capacity will determine the work that can be done. We need your help to make this community vision a reality. Please take a moment to share your ideas and vision by clicking the various tabs below. We want to hear your ideas!
Greeley’s Newest Natural Area is a 978-acre expanse of prairies, bluffs, and arroyos located between Greeley and Windsor. Visitors experience magnificent plateaus and stunning mountain and valley views. This place is home for a diversity of wildlife.
The property is a blank slate in terms of recreation opportunities. Due to its location and size, this natural area will draw visitors from across northern Colorado. People will find a unique, close-to-home recreation experience. The same geography that excites visitors also provides homes for many wildlife species. White-tail deer, bald eagles, and coyotes have all been spotted on site. Check out the pictures and links to the right to see some of the critters who call this place home. The needs of both people and wildlife must be carefully balanced as the project moves forward.
Growing Greeley’s Natural Areas
The purchase of land on Greeley’s west side doubles the City’s acres of public natural areas for the community to enjoy. Greeley Natural Areas & Trails has a vision to provide equal access to nature for all Greeley residents. The long-term goal is for everyone to live within a 10-minute walk to nature. This new natural area moves us closer to that goal. The project was jointly funded by the Trust for Public Land, Great Outdoors Colorado, the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the Town of Windsor and the City of Greeley. Click here to read more about this property.
Making the Dream Happen
This project would not be possible without strong partnerships and community input. Together, the City of Greeley, Mundus Bishop, and Trust for Public Land are putting the community's voice first in this project. Typically, a natural area is opened after all the trails have been built and the design is finished. We are doing things differently here. We are bringing you, the community, into the process at the beginning. We want to know what your vision is for this place. Please take part and share your ideas.
Creating a Vision
This long-range project includes several phases, such as analysis, community input, design, and the creation of a master plan. The master plan is a road map, guiding the management of the property into the future. It will take many years before this natural area becomes the vision described in the master plan - see the Lifecycle timeline on this page. Budget and staff capacity will determine the work that can be done. We need your help to make this community vision a reality. Please take a moment to share your ideas and vision by clicking the various tabs below. We want to hear your ideas!
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Experience Greeley's Newest Natural Area
Experience the property from the comfort of your own home, then take a few minutes to click through the tabs at the bottom of the project page and share your ideas.
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Wildlife Diversity on Greeley's Newest Natural Area
Phase 1: Discovery
Greeley's Newest Natural Area - Arroyos del Sol has finished this stage
This project kicks off with a community-wide visioning process that includes:
Kick-off event in October 2022
Community survey and scheduled tours in fall 2022
Identifying opportunities and constraints
Targeted outreach with specific groups
Phase 2: Conceptual Design
Greeley's Newest Natural Area - Arroyos del Sol has finished this stage
Starting in summer 2023, the city team and consultants draft a few conceptual site plan options that:
Include input from the community visioning process
Balance recreation while preserving wildlife habitat
Are available for public comment
Stage 3: Collect Community Input on Draft Concepts
Greeley's Newest Natural Area - Arroyos del Sol is currently at this stage
Site visit with stakeholders to provide feedback on concepts
Survey residents with a chance to vote on their preferred conceptual design
Phase 4: Master Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Greeley's Newest Natural Area - Arroyos del Sol
In Spring/Summer 2024, after gathering community input on preferred designs, the master plan will include:
Collaborate: Partner with the public in each aspect of the decision including the development of alternatives and the identification of the preferred solution.