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Greeley's newest natural area is officially named Arroyos del Sol. City Council approved the name at their November 19 meeting, following extensive community engagement and thoughtful deliberation of established naming policies.
Since the project kick-off in 2022, 86 names were submitted via Speak Up Greeley, social media and in-person events. After carefully considering the property's landscape and community submissions, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board selected Arroyos del Sol.
Why Arroyos del Sol?
"Arroyos del Sol" means "sun stream" in Spanish. An "arroyo" refers to deep, steep-sided channels created by fast-flowing water during heavy rain. This name highlights the area's prominent natural features, including steep arroyos and bluffs that rise over 100 feet above the Poudre River valley. The arroyos provide a unique wildlife habitat that is not found anywhere else in the area.
What’s Next for Arroyos del Sol?
Arroyos del Sol doubles the amount of protected natural land in Greeley and promises to be a favorite spot for outdoor adventures. The city will share the site's development plan in early 2025, paving the way for exciting recreational opportunities in northern Colorado.
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When: October 5 | 9 a.m. - noon
Where: Greeley's Newest Natural Area, Missile Site Park (10611 CO-257 Spur)
What to expect: Pack up the family and join us for a morning of nature play, fresh air, and community gathering at Greeley's newest natural area.
9 a.m. First 100 people to arrive will get a FREE food item
10 a.m. "My Great Adventure with Nana," read by the book illustrator Armando Silva
10:30 a.m. Guided walk/jog on the trails
11 a.m. Nature Scavenger Hunt (turn in your worksheet to be entered to win a prize)
Enjoy offerings from High Plains Mobile Library, Greeley Recreation Play on the Way, Aunt Helen's Coffee, Angry Hippie Taco Truck, wildlife talks, stickers, and ice cream.
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"Today is finally here. Today! Today! Today!" The first sentence of the new book, My Great Adventure with Nana, sums up the excitement for this storybook project. The book tells the story of a little girl experiencing the wonders and senses of adventure of a natural area right here in Greeley. Join the adventure and listen for the birds, the crunch of footsteps on the dirt trails and the green and golden expanse of Greeley's newest natural area. Beautifully and vibrantly illustrated by local artist Armando Silva, the book's message is to plan an adventure and help children appreciate the natural world around them.

The Storybook Project
This is the third installment of books for the City of Greeley's collection on Unite for Literacy. This project was made possible by The Trust for Public Land, Great Outdoors Colorado and support from Weld Community Foundation's Littler Youth Fund and High Plains Library District. The book is available in English and Spanish. It will be available (until supplies last) during the Day of Adventure event on October 5, 9 a.m. - noon at Greeley's newest natural area (10611 CO-257 Spur).
Where to Find the Book
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Greeley's newest natural area was closed for the Winter season to provide wildlife respite from the cold and harsh weather. Deer, turkeys, and coyotes are some of the property's wildlife active during winter. Giving them space to rest allows them to use their energy reserves to stay warm and find food and shelter. The trails on the property get muddy from melted snow and become impassable by foot or bike until they dry out in the spring.
The natural area is open for walking, running, biking and bird watching. There is parking at the trailhead and a portable restroom on site. Please bring drinking water as there is no fountain or drinking water source at the trailhead.
Currently, dogs are not allowed on the property until further research can be conducted on the safety of your pet and the ecosystem in this area. Colorado is notorious for wet spring snow, so there is a good chance the trails will close due to muddy conditions. Always check COTREX ( for updated trail closure information. 📍 Trailhead parking at Missile Site Park, 10611 CO-257 Spur, Greeley, CO 80634
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See below for Spanish. Ver abajo en español.
The concepts for Greeley’s Newest Natural Area are now ready for public review. Click the SURVEY tab to share your feedback. Feedback is being collected until September 30th.
Concepts consist of maps and sketches showing the vision for the future of the property. They show the broad strokes; the details will be finalized in future planning efforts. You can find the concepts in the Documents section on the right (scroll down on mobile).
How was public input used to develop these concepts?
Community input received from Fall 2022 through Spring 2023 provided the foundation for the two concepts; all suggestions were considered in the concept development process. Input was collected via surveys and in person outreach. Natural Areas & Trails balanced community input with expert assessments of the property’s wildlife, vegetation and soil conditions. The result is concepts that meet the Greeley community’s needs, protect the natural elements that make this place so special, and lay the foundation for sustainable trail design.
Why is it important to provide feedback now?
Sharing your feedback helps Natural Areas & Trails staff create outdoor places and experiences that meet the needs of the Greeley community. This is the last chance to provide feedback before a preferred concept is chosen and the master plan is completed.
How will my feedback be used?
Your feedback will help Natural Areas & Trails choose and refine the preferred concept. The preferred concept is the road map for future trail building and amenity installation at this new natural area.
How do I provide feedback?
Review the two concepts, they look similar but there are differences between them. Notice what you like and don’t like about the concepts. Do you prefer one concept over the other? If you were creating your own preferred concept, which elements would you mix and match from each? Click on the SURVEY tab to share your feedback.
Los conceptos para el área natural de Greeley más reciente están listos para la revisión pública. Oprima la pestaña SURVEY (ENCUESTA) para compartir sus opiniones, que se recopilarán hasta el 30 de septiembre.
Los conceptos son mapas y bocetos que muestran la visión para el futuro de la propiedad. Esto es a grandes rasgos; los detalles se concretarán en planificaciones futuras. Puede encontrar los conceptos en la sección Documents (Documentos) que está en la parte derecha (deslice hacia abajo en la versión para móviles).
¿Cómo se usó la opinión del público para desarrollar estos conceptos?
Las opiniones de la comunidad que se recibieron desde el otoño de 2022 hasta la primavera de 2023 sentaron las bases para los dos conceptos; se tuvieron en cuenta todas las sugerencias en el proceso de desarrollo de los conceptos. Las opiniones se recopilaron a través de encuestas y en actividades de divulgación presenciales. Natural Areas & Trails sopesó las opiniones de la comunidad y las evaluaciones de expertos sobre la fauna, la vegetación y las condiciones del suelo de la propiedad. El resultado son conceptos que satisfacen las necesidades de la comunidad de Greeley, protegen los elementos naturales que hacen especial a este lugar y sientan las bases para un diseño sustentable de los senderos.
¿Por qué es importante dar su opinión ahora?
Compartir su opinión ayuda al personal de Natural Areas & Trails a crear lugares y experiencias al aire libre que satisfagan las necesidades de la comunidad de Greeley. Esta es la última oportunidad para enviar sus comentarios antes de que se elija el concepto preferido y se complete el plan general.
¿Cómo se usarán mis opiniones?
Sus opiniones ayudarán a Natural Areas & Trails a elegir y perfeccionar el concepto preferido. Dicho concepto es el plan para la creación de futuros senderos e instalación de servicios públicos en esta nueva área natural.
Analice los dos conceptos. Son similares, pero tienen diferencias. Tenga en cuenta lo que le gusta y lo que no le gusta de cada uno. ¿Prefiere alguno? Si estuviera creando su propio concepto preferido, ¿qué elementos combinaría de cada uno? Oprima la pestaña SURVEY (ENCUESTA) para compartir sus opiniones.
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During a recent Inside Greeley segment, we gave an update on Greeley’s newest natural area and the community outreach we’ve been doing, especially with local youth. Both Greeley Central and Greeley West high school students have shared their insight, time and talent in support of this new natural area. Watch the video and catch up on what’s been happening.
Wait! There’s more. We are re-naming the nearly 1,000 acre property, currently known as Shurview. You have until June 30 to suggest a name for the natural area using the “Ideas” tab above. We’ll announce the winning name when it has been decided and gone through each stage of our naming policy process.
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You’ve been talking and we’ve been listening! We wanted to pause and share what we’ve heard so far. The image shows some of the input we received on this project.

Many of you said “keep it natural,” meaning we should conserve native plants and leave space for wildlife. Most people are also very excited about being able to recreate at the new natural area, either by mountain biking, walking or bird watching. A lot of folks envision a future connection to the Poudre River Trail.
Over and over, you told us how important it is to make sure this space is accessible and inclusive for everyone. This could include wheelchair accessible trails, representing and honoring Greeley’s international community and shaded places for families to gather. What are your ideas for making this new natural inclusive and accessible? Share your ideas under the ‘Hopes’ tab!
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We asked the Greeley community, via a Speak Up Greeley poll, how you hope to use this new natural area, and you responded! See the results below. The top three uses selected were mountain biking (40% of respondents), walking/hiking/running (33%), and bird/wildlife watching and star gazing were tied at 7%.
Don’t see your interests represented? Click on the “Hopes” button above and share how you hope to use this space.
We also collected surveys in person and asked people what they like to do when they visit a natural or park. See the results below. The top three responses were exercise/walk (64% of respondents), sit and relax (35%) and play (32%).
A huge thanks to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts either online or in person!